26 September 2012

Working from home turned me into a bird lady

When people hear that I work from home it often results in people being jealous of me. They automatically visualize sleeping in till noon, never getting dressed, or ask the most obvious question " so what do you do for work? " The last one bothers me so much - but that is another blog post for later. For now I'll address the first two points. Yes, it is possible to sleep in till noon- and sometimes I do. Yes, I do enjoy being able to wear whatever  I want. But - I've always worn exactly what I wanted since I was a kid - not a big deal. Really, ask my mom. She'll tell you how in 6th grade she got a call from the principal at my Catholic school asking her " Did you know your daughter came to school in a lingerie slip as a dress? " 

Anyway ... it usually surprises people when I tell them that it's very lonely working from home. It is so quiet and still. In the winter this can be depressing. I admit the first year was amazing, but two years later it's just boring and lonely. 

So before you feel sorry for me - let's go back to the point of this posting, and oh yeah did you see those super cute bird photos?! yes. So about a 1.5 months ago - I decided that I needed some company in the house. I thought about puppies, bunnies, and adopting a kid. ( kidding about the kid!) This list narrowed down to - no list at all the moment I walked by a bird cage in the local pet store. I saw two silly birds sitting so close together - they looked like one bird. I was told they were little dwarf parrots. In the U.S. they are known as lovebirds. 

I found a bird farm in a little village close to my city.I went and and came home with my little green parrot. We thought at the time she was a girl and her name was Donna. Well she turned out to be a boy. So he became Lewis. We named him after a character on the television series called " Suits." 

Three weeks later we went back for another one. We figured that Lewis would need a buddy when I'm off traveling or visiting home for the holidays. So we brought home Blu! She was only about three weeks old and we had to hand feed her. She was also a kind of birthday gift for Paul. 

Now my life is run by these little parrots, and I wouldn't have it any other way. So I'm kind of a bird lady now. I just wanted to introduce them to you. So yeah now you can be jealous of me ;)

X Lorraine

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